What We Do

Chiropractic care today differs greatly in technique and philosophy.

There are basically two types of chiropractors:

  1. The traditional full body chiropractor, who specializes in the detection and correction of vertebral subluxation called nerve interference. This allows for the restoration of proper nerve flow and structural correction, ensuring that our whole body works as optimally as possible.

  2. The limited scope chiropractor who works on short term symptom relief.

Dr. McCollum and his staff practice the traditional philosophy of Chiropractic which is subluxation and structural correction of the spine. Simply put, a subluxation is a misaligned vertebrae which interferes with nerve impulses.

Nerve impulse is the electrical impulse from the brain that regulates all function of the body and keeps us alive. Although the traditional Chiropractor wants his patients to “feel better”, Dr. McCollum’s chiropractic care focuses on removing nerve interference (subluxation) and restructuring the spine to its most stable biomechanical position. This is done through a rehabilitation program of adjustments and spinal exercise.

The length of correction and frequency of adjustment is determined by the severity of the patient’s subluxations and structural alignment. Symptoms may be gone long before the spine is at its maximum corrected position so adjustment schedules are kept intense to allow structural correction in the shortest amount of time.

The patient is then closely monitored by postural patterns, X-rays, and spinal readings until the subluxations are corrected and the spine is in its proper alignment. By reviewing these before and after studies with the doctor, the patient actually sees the results.

Your Condition

Almost every non-optimal health condition in your body can respond well to chiropractic treatment including:

Low Back Pain

Sciatica and Leg Pain

Neck Pain

Headache and Migraine

Digestive Issues

Treating your condition with Chiropractic is based on the scientific fact that your nervous system controls the function of every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body. Your body’s muscles, blood vessels and glands as well as its internal organs and systems need a healthy nervous system to function properly.

When areas of your spine are malfunctioning, your nervous system can be compromised, muscles that support your spine can be impaired and damage can occur to the soft tissues of the spine. This can set up a spinal degenerative process which results in a lack of balance in mind, body and spirit.

Chiropractic releases deep stress within your body and mind so you’ll function better, permitting your natural healing ability, your “inner healer”, to function better.

Chiropractic can also help you with ear infections, allergies, asthma, colic, hearing problems, menstrual problems, colds and flue, as well as emotional and neurological condtions as well as many, many others.

Let us help you experience what chiropractic can do for you and your family.